December 29, 2008

What is it about Men?...

I'm am so happy that the whole sloppy, wearing shirts that look like nightgowns and the GROSS sagging pants trend is over. (Of course there are those few that just can't let it go, but we'll pray for them)

Over the past few years the trend that has taken off is men dressing like MEN.
And it is an understatement to say I like it. (I love it)
For me, there's nothing sexier than a guy with a confident presence that steps into a room and everyone notices. He's dressed nicely, well groomed and he knows it. There's nothing wrong for getting noticed for all the right reasons.

Now what you don't want to be noticed for is being the guy that looks like he played ball all day and just decided to keep the sweaty stuff on, or worse, the guy that picked his clothes out of the hamper.
Just a little effort may go a long way never know who's watching.

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