Since many of us are hurting due to the struggles of the economy (blah blah blah) it's hard for some of us champagne taste fashion addicts to thrive with less than Kool-aid money. Well speaking as a reformed Snooty-poot (or SNOB if you like),I have found a way to sort of remedy the issues of my rapidly sinking budget.
The Buffalo Exchange- a nationwide(USA) branch of consignment shops that not only allows customers to shop at SUPER cheap prices, but also bring in old lightly worn items of clothing and sell them for cash, or trade them in for other items found in the store.
Now I know some people are thinking " Uhh Uh!! I will not be buying anybodies used SH*%!"
Trust me hunny, I don't blame you. Like I said, I'm reformed. I do have my limit (Used Shoes are a Definite NO-NO for me)
But if you have a ton of old clothes from the ghost of high-school past(wheww...11th Grade can be summed up as TACKY) why not get rid of that stuff and make a few bucks for it?
I find it good for simple pieces like accessories, they have a great array of belts,bags and jewelry. I also think that you can luck out and find some cute tops, jeans, and dresses. I found a cute little black dress for $7, can't be mad at that.
For more info and store locations ch-ch-check out there website:
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