A brand new Bobby Flay, complete with his chef uniform and a delicious 5 course meal
An authentic Maxwell to sing to me all night...preferably this...
An sparkling Idris Elba so I can swoon over his chocolate STUDly-ness and charming English accent
A Shia Labeouf in mint condition to make me laugh at his adorable, dorky, yet cool awkwardness
A collectable COMMON to freestyle a verse to me about...whatever. He can rap the phone book to me...
A portable David Beckham with clothes and accessories to play dress up with
A smooth talking Rick Ross...random, I know...but, he's so damn cool.
(Please just promise me he'll keep his shirt on. Thanks.)
and lastly...A Justin Timberlake, so I can watch him do stuff like this...
If this is all a little too heavy to carry on your sleigh, don't worry...I will gladly reimburse you for the shipping and handling.
Make it snappy Santa, I'm not too good at being patient.
Thanks in advance. Merry Christmas.